Monday, April 28, 2014

As promised, updated pics

Now or never...
Have so much to add to this post but for now I'm just going to post the pictures. Eventually, I'll add "the rest of the story". So in the same order from my September 2011 blog post are April 2014 updates in pictures (tried to post the before pic under as best I could for easy comparison but used phone screen shots so not very clear - will try to correct later)
Disclaimer: part 1:  our house has seen cleaner days and these photos were taken with my phone, at night, so not the best quality.  
Part 2:  we are still in the decorating process, please do not judge my bare walls. Thank you.  Full list of "have done" and "to do" coming. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Time to catch up

After making the "Before pics" from 9/21/11 my TBT today I've decided to take an updated photo from the exact same location/view point as the 14 pictures in that post. I'm happy that the thought crossed my mind and I've taken the time to make this post so that I'll hold myself accountable. And in case you missed it on Instagram or FB I'll attach a few pictures of our newly tree-less and grass filled front yard. We had 14 pines removed about a month ago and 12 (plus 2 more now) pallets of Zoysia grass laid.  Still working hard on our little home.